Take a journey through dystopian worlds with my art collection, fiction and essays.

Cafe Dystopia is a platform for original digital art, stories and reflection. Immerse yourself in a world of dark beauty, thought-provoking narratives and essays.


Explore the dark beauty of digital art as you embark on a journey through dystopian cityscapes. Delve into unique explorations of fashion, emotion, and pop-art-inspired vistas.


Immerse yourself in short stories that blend dystopian pasts with futuristic visions, serving as a lens on human civilization’s path. Interwoven with insights on technology, power, and individuality, these tales explore the lessons of past societies and our potential futures, inviting reflection on human progress and its ethical dilemmas.

Essays, thoughts, reflections

Short essays explore the nature of technology and power, liberty and surveillance, individuality and conformity, crisis and resilience. Referring to dystopian novels and relevant non-fiction books, the collection poses big questions: What can we learn from the mistakes of past societies? How might our current paths lead us into a future that we both want and are scared of?

“We were the people who were not in the papers. We lived in the blank white spaces at the edges of print. It gave us more freedom. We lived in the gaps between the stories.”  

Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale

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“Did you ever feel, as though you had something inside you that was only waiting for you to give it a chance to come out? Some sort of extra power that you aren’t using – you know, like all the water that goes down the falls instead of through the turbines?”

Akdous Huxley, Brave New World

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